Graph Vertex Coloring in Spark GraphX / GraphFrames

Ganga Reddy
3 min readOct 18, 2018

If you are not familiar with Spark, please spare a few minutes in reading about it in my previous medium post named introduction to spark.

In graph theory, graph coloring or vertex/node coloring or k-coloring is an assignment of colors to graph vertices/nodes such that no two vertices which are connected should share the same color.

Graph Vertex Coloring is also popularly known as KMinColoring where K represents the minimum number of colors possible to color the graph such that no two neighbors have the same color.

Alternatively, Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), a k-color coloring assigns a color such that no two neighbors share the same color.

Bounds on chromatic number χ(G) = minG(k)

1) 1-coloring is possible if and only if G is edgeless

2) 2-coloring is possible if and only if G is a bipartite graph.

In general, a proven greedy coloring shows that every graph can be colored with one more color than the maximum vertex degree ∆(G)

χ(G) <= maximum vertex degree + 1

χ(G) <= ∆(G) + 1

Graph Vertex Coloring is also popularly known as KMinColoring where K represents the minimum number of colors possible to color the graph such that no two neighbors have the same color.

In this algorithm, we try to solve graph coloring by considering,

k = ∆(G) + 1 , ∆(G) is represented as ∆ for simplicity.

A simple naive algorithm for ColorReduction

function ColorReduction(G = (V, E), ∆)
n = |V |
for v = Range(n) do
color(v) = v
end for

for v = ∆ + 2, n do
color(v) = min({1, ..., ∆ + 1} \ {cu|(u, v) ∈ E})
end for

end function

The line
color(v) = min({1, ..., ∆+1 } \ {cu|(u, v) ∈ E})
indicates that a node should choose a min value from
(1,...,∆ + 1) which is not taken by its neighbors.

For example, if my neighbors are colored (1,2,4,5) ,
then the node will choose its color as 3.

More info @

Alternative Version

* This is highly fast compared to naive but works only on a connected
* graph. If the graph is disconnected , it should be made sure to
* initialize atleast one value in each connected component to be
* initialized with a value in range of (1, k+1)
* This works on the principle of the principle of breadth first expansion
A Fast algorithm for ColorReduction

function ColorReductionFast(G = (V, E), ∆, maxIter)
n = |V |
for v = Range(n) do
color(v) = v
end for

COLORED = {node | color(node) <= ( ∆ +1 ) }
NOT_COLORED = {node | color(node) > ( ∆ +1 ) }

for e ∈ (u,v) | u ∈ COLORED && v ∈ NOT_COLORED {
c(v) = min({1, ..., ∆ + 1} \ {cu|(u, v) ∈ E})

(or )

for iter = 1 , maxIter do
// updates colors of the neighbors of nodes whose colors are are already labelled.
color(v) = min({1, ..., ∆ + 1} \ {cu|(u, v) ∈ E}) such that color(u) < ∆ +1 && color (v) > (∆ + 1)
end for

end function

The code for both versions is available @

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